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Welcome to the referential basement of House of Listening. This evolving page contains all references made on this website, and other important texts on Listening.



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  • Bjelica, M. (2022). The Ethics of Deep Listening: A Practice for Environmental Awareness. The Polish Journal of Aesthetics, 64(1), 37–56.

  • Blair, D. (2021). The Power of Listening: How to Improve Relationships by Becoming an Active Listener. Independently published.

  • Blesser, B. & Salter, L.-R. (2007). Spaces speak, are you listening? Experiencing aural architecture. MIT Press.

  • Bodie, G. D. (2011). The Understudied Nature of Listening in Interpersonal Communication: Introduction to a Special Issue. International Journal of Listening, 25(1–2), 1–9.

  • Bodie, G. D., Vickery, A. J., & Gearhart, C. C. (2013). The Nature of Supportive Listening, I: Exploring the Relation between Supportive Listeners and Supportive People. International Journal of Listening, 27(1), 39–49.

  • Bodie, G. D., Worthington, D., Imhof, M., & Cooper, L. O. (2008). What Would a Unified Field of Listening Look Like? A Proposal Linking Past Perspectives and Future Endeavors. International Journal of Listening, 22(2), 103–122.

  • Bodie, G. D., Worthington, D. L., & Beyene, Z. (2023). Listening, Community Engagement, and Peacebuilding: International Perspectives. Routledge.

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  • Bonnet, F. J. (2021). The Music to Come. Shelter Press.

  • Bons-Storm, R., & Couture, P. (1996). The incredible woman: Listening to women’s silences in pastoral care and counseling. Abingdon.

  • Borio, G. (2015). Musical listening in the age of technological reproduction. Ashgate.

  • Bradshaw, J., Siddiqui, N., Greenfield, D., & Sharma, A. (2022). Kindness, Listening, and Connection: Patient and Clinician Key Requirements for Emotional Support in Chronic and Complex Care. Journal of Patient Experience, 9.

  • Brady, M. (Ed.). (2003). The wisdom of listening. Wisdom Publications.

  • Brady, M. (2005). A Little Book of Listening Skills: 52 Essential Practices for Profoundly Loving Yourself and Other People. Paideia Press.

  • Brady, M. (2009). Right Listening: Contemplative Practices for Fostering Kindness and Compassion. Paideia Press.

  • Brady, M. (2014a). Fierce Listening: Advanced Teachings for Deepening Practice. CreateSpace Pub.

  • Brady, M. (2014b). Noble Listening: Contemplative Practices for Fostering Kindness and Compassion. CreateSpace Pub.

  • Brady, M. (2016). Sacred Listening: Further Teachings for Deepening Practice. CreateSpace Pub.

  • Brazelton, N. (2019). Listening from Places of Survival: The Role of Story Listening in the Empowerment of Female Victims of Violence. International Journal of Listening, 33(3), 154–157.

  • Brearley, L. (Ed.). (2010). Gulpa Ngawal Indigenous Deep Listening. RMIT University Press.

  • Brearley, L. (2014). Deep listening and leadership: An indigenous model of leadership and community development in Australia. In Restorying Indigenous Leadership: Wise Practices in Community Development (pp. 91–128). Banff Centre Press.

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  • Brooks, A. (2015). Glitch/Failure: Constructing a Queer Politics of Listening. Leonardo Music Journal, 25, 37–40.

  • Brown, A. M. (2017). Emergent Strategy: Shaping Change, Changing World. AK Press

  • Brown, A. M. (2021). Holding Change: The Way of Emergent Strategy Facilitation and Mediation. AK Press.

  • Brown, B. (2012). Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead. Penguin.

  • Brownell, J. (2017). Listening: Attitudes, Principles, and Skills. Routledge.

  • Browning, S., Duffey, D., Magondu, F., Moore, J. A., & Way, P. A. (2023). Little Book of Listening: Listening as a Radical Act of Love, Justice, Healing, and Transformation. Skyhorse Publishing.

  • Bryant, J., & Bostick, K. (2013). What’s the Big Idea? Using Listening Sessions to Build Relationships and Relevance. History News, American Association for State and Local History, 65(3).

  • Bryce, B. (2010). Echoing the Story: Living the Art of Listening. Wipf and Stock Publishers.

  • Buchholz, M. B., & Dimitrijevic, A. (2024). Encountering Silencing: Forms of Oppression in Individuals, Families and Communities. Ninth Gate Publishing.

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  • Buzzarté, M., & Bickley, T. (with Oliveros, P.). (2012). Anthology of essays on deep listening. Deep listening publications.



  • Cage, J. (1973) [1961]. Silence. Lectures and Writings by John Cage. Wesleyan University Press.

  • Campt, T. (2017). Listening to images. Duke University Press.

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  • Carlsson, S. C. (2023). Unlock the Power of Active Listening at Work: How to Become More Successful, Build Trust, Increase Productivity, and Get People to Like You at Work With Active Listening Skills. Independently published.

  • Carlyle, A., & Lane, C. (Eds.). (2013). On Listening. Uniform Books.

  • Catt, J., & Halley, R. D. (2020). Proposed Principles of Listening Ethics. ILA Convention.

  • Chamberlin, J. E. (2009). “The corn people have a song too. It is very good”: On Beauty, Truth, and Goodness. Studies in American Indian Literatures, 21(3), 66–89.

  • Chattopadhyay, B. (2020). The Nomadic Listener. Errant Bodies Press.

  • Cheng, T.-Y. (2023). On the quadrants of the thing-world relations: A critical revision of Hartmut Rosa’s resonance theory in terms of thing-world. The Journal of Chinese Sociology, 10(1), 11.

  • Clark, E. H. (2021, January 23). The Ear Of The Other: Colonialism & Decolonial Listening. The Quietus.

  • Coakley, C. G., & Wolvin, A. D. (1990). Listening Pedagogy and Andragogy: The State of the Art. International Listening Association. Journal, 4(1), 33–59.

  • Cobussen, M. (2011, October 24). Thinking Sounds.

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  • Cologon, K., Cologon, T., Mevawalla, Z., & Niland, A. (2019). Generative listening: Using arts-based inquiry to investigate young children’s perspectives of inclusion, exclusion and disability. Journal of Early Childhood Research, 17(1), 54–69.

  • Colombus, K. (2021). How to Listen: Tools for opening up conversations when it matters most. Octopus.

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  • Cook, N. (with Zender, H., & Johnson, P.). (1999). Theory into practice: Composition, Performance and the Listening Experience. University Press.

  • Corley Schnapp, D. (2008). Listening in Context: Religion and Spirituality. International Journal of Listening, 22(2), 133–140.

  • Cornwell, N. C., & Orbe, M. P. (1999). Critical Perspectives on Hate Speech: The Centrality of ‘Dialogic Listening.’ International Journal of Listening, 13(1), 75–96.

  • Corradi Fiumara, G. (with Lambert, C.). (1990). The other side of language: A philosophy of listening. Routledge.

  • Costanza-Chock, S. (2020). Design Justice: Community-Led Practices to Build the Worlds We Need. MIT Press.

  • Cox, A. (2016). Music and embodied cognition: Listening, moving, feeling, and thinking. Indiana University Press.

  • Cox, G., Corner, J., & Cox, G. (2018). Soundings: Documentary film and the listening experience. University of Huddersfield Press.

  • Cox, T. J. (2014). The Sound Book: The Science of the Sonic Wonders of the World. W.W. Norton.

  • Crawford, K. (2009). Following you: Disciplines of listening in social media. Continuum, 23(4), 525–535.

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  • Damousi, J., & Deacon, D. (2007). Talking and listening in the age of modernity: Essays on the history of sound. ANU E Press.

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  • Davis, J., Thompson, C. R., Foley, A., Bond, C. D., & DeWitt, J. (2008). An Examination of Listening Concepts in the Healthcare Context: Differences Among Nurses, Physicians, and Administrators. International Journal of Listening, 22(2), 152–167.

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  • Deloria, V. (1970). We Talk, You Listen: New Tribes, New Turf. Macmillan.

  • Demers, J. T. (2010). Listening through the noise: The aesthetics of experimental electronic music. Oxford University Press.

  • Deming, R. (2007). Listening on all sides: Toward an Emersonian ethics of reading. Stanford University Press.

  • Dillon, E. (2012). The sense of sound: Musical meaning in France, 1260-1330. Oxford University Press.

  • Dobson, A. (2012). Listening: The New Democratic Deficit. Political Studies, 60(4), 843–859.

  • Dobson, A. (2014). Listening for Democracy: Recognition, Representation, Reconciliation. Oxford University Press.

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  • Dreher, T. (2009). Listening across difference: Media and multiculturalism beyond the politics of voice. Continuum, 23(4), 445–458.

  • Dutta, M. J. (2014). A Culture-Centered Approach to Listening: Voices of Social Change. International Journal of Listening, 28(2), 67–81.



  • Eidsheim, N. S. (2015). Sensing sound: Singing and listening as vibrational practice. Duke University Press.

  • Eidsheim, N. S. (2019). The Race of Sound: Listening, Timbre, and Vocality in African American Music. Duke University Press.

  • Ellis Neyra, R. (2020). The cry of the senses: Listening to Latinx and Caribbean poetics. Duke University Press.

  • Emmert, P., Emmert, V., & Brandt, J. (1993). An Analysis of Male-Female Differences on the Listening Practices Feedback Report. International Listening Association. Journal, 7(sup1), 43–55.

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